Ozone Therapy

  • What is ozone?

    Ozone is just oxygen with an extra molecule. So the air we breathe is O2 and ozone is O3. Oxygen is what keeps us alive and is the body’s primary resource to heal and regulate itself. Ozone is inherently anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic while simultaneously promoting and accelerating healing. (Sounds like a good reason why a lot of hospitals and post-Covid prevention plans are utilizing ozone to clean the air and equipment huh?).

    The “strength” of the ozone is measured in what is referred to as gamma. The higher the gamma doesn’t necessarily translate into a better benefit. Sarah will order the appropriate strength, frequency and duration for you.

    The most common ailments ozone is used for include allergy management, management of auto-immune disorders, chronic fatigue, joint pain, circulatory issues, cardiovascular impairments, inflammatory conditions, cancer, unexplained rashes and/or allergic responses, and acute sickness (including but not limited to: Influenza, RSV, Mono, Covid, upper respiratory infections, ear, sinus, throat infections, etc.).

  • Ozone Administration

    Ozone can be administered many different ways for many different reasons. When we break a bone or get some type of illness, the body naturally responds by inflaming up to encourage blood flow to the area(s), thus bringing increased oxygen to begin the healing and repairing.

    Major Autohemotherapy, or MAH, is the most ideal administration that most closely mimics what our body does on the inside. The patient will have an IV started with a small amount of blood drawn out by gravity. We then hyper-oxygenate this blood with ozone and incorporate UVBI (ultraviolet blood irradiation), which is a type of light therapy that dismantles the exact virus or bacteria you have in your bloodstream while working with the immune and circulatory systems to fight off the invader. It also works to calm down chronic inflammation related to joint pains and will frequently boost a patient’s energy and mood as a nice side effect.

    Frequently, we administer ozone directly into the nose and ears where most of the upper respiratory viruses and bacteria live. It is amazing at clearing up young children’s ear infections avoiding the need for an intrusive antibiotic that will mess with their bellies or calming down intrusive allergy symptoms!

    Ozone can also be administered through a small catheter rectally, vaginally, or in the bladder for issues such as a UTI, bladder or kidney infections, gut impairments, constipation etc. Limb bags are used to administer ozone to wounds or infections (i.e. stubborn fungus or ingrown toe nail) to promote healing and clear the intrusive pathogen.

    Sarah will help you to determine which ozone administration method is right for you and provide recommendations for the strength, frequency, and duration based on your needs.

  • Benefits of Ozone

    Ozone is excellent as a preventative measure as it stays in the body for about 6-8 weeks. Many of our patients get ozone administered regularly, especially during flu season. Many of our pediatric patients have a monthly rectal ozone treatment to keep their immune systems boosted and help fight pathogens before they weaken the system and worsen the symptoms. For the same reason, we often have adult patients opt for an IV ozone to boost their systems before and after a procedure, surgery, or travel. Often changes in sleep habits, food choices, and activity levels contribute to a more susceptible system.

    In terms of recovery, we have a lot of athletes at all levels, in all sports that will use ozone for the recovery and repair of their muscles, ligaments, and tendons. You would not want to do an IV ozone on the day of a big event or competition, but rather the next day.

    As we provide adjunct therapies for many patients with cancer, ozone is almost always incorporated as part of their plan. These immunocompromised patients are looking to promote and support their immune systems, take advantage of the healing properties and the known anti-carcinogenic effects.

    If you are acutely sick or injured, the body often uses the ozone faster than 6-8 weeks as it needs more to adequately promote healing and repair.